One-to-one support designed to meet your needs

  • Do you struggle with getting your ideas across to others?
  • Does it drive you crazy sitting in meetings wishing you could speak up and share your ideas with confidence?
  • Do you ‘go blank’ when trying to contribute to conversations?
  • Have you accidentally offended people with what you’ve said?
  • Do you dread the idea of running meetings or presenting to people?

If any of these sound like you then now may be time to work on your communication skills.    It’s so easy to put off working on yourself, and yet being able to communicate well is vital for success in today’s fast paced interconnected world.

“I recognized the need to change the way I communicate but I couldn’t do it on my own.  I needed to talk to someone!    If I hadn’t worked with Carole, there would have been a lot of false starts and even more frustration.” Chris B – IT Specialist, Hong Kong

Communications challenges come in many forms.  Staying quiet and hiding in the shadows can hinder progression as much as speaking too much .  Finding the balance and developing your own authentic voice as well as the skills to clearly convey your message, will help you communicate with the kind of confidence, clarity and conviction that gets you noticed (in a good way) AND get you results.

As a seasoned communications coach and trainer, I have more than 20 years of experience helping professionals develop exceptional communication skills.  I’m based in Hong Kong and available in person or virtually throughout the world.

Coaching Packages

I offer several coaching packages to suit your needs

  •  Assessment Packages –  There are a wide range of communications challenges and an even wider range of advice available.  How do you know what’s right for you?  An assessment tool can help you gain insight into the specific internal factors that impact the way you communicate.  You can then create targeted plans for change.  Plans that are right for YOU.  This is where many of my clients like to begin their journey towards change.   Assessment packages include an online assessment plus a one to one coaching session.
  • Change packages Lasting change takes time and that time is different for everyone.   My change packages are designed to meet your needs and help you make deep lasting change to the way you communicate, lead and live your life.  Change packages include a series of one to one coaching sessions and last from 3-9 months. Contact me to discuss needs and what type of package would suit you most.

New | Walking Coaching – Executive Coaching with a Twist

Walking Coaching with Carole Lewis

 I am now offering my clients the additional possibility of walking coaching for some, or all, of their sessions.

There is nothing like a good walk to help clear your mind, boost your energy, and get you thinking of new options. Combining coaching with walking allows you to explore the same challenges you explore in an office, in the same confidential conversations. The difference is that you have the freedom to move and the opportunity to experience the benefits of walking, which can help you, both literally and metaphorically – take steps to move forward. Read more >>

Contact me to discuss which option is right for you.