Coach Experiences

Nina Giustiniani – Coach, Hong Kong

“I contacted Carole to be my mentor coach in preparation for my application for my ACC certificate with ICF that requires a minimum of 10 hours of mentor coaching with an ICF approved mentor coach over a minimum of a three months period. The weekly session where not only helpful in reviewing and really understanding the ICF core competencies but also helped greatly with my client work.

I was at the time involved with a series of challenging coaching sessions and my conversations with Carole helped me be better prepared and boosted my self-confidence as a coach. The learning and professional development was much more profound during that period than it would have been without her. She is a very good listener and has great tact and feeling. At the same time she is not afraid of asking challenging questions and to give constructive criticism which was greatly appreciated.”

Sirirat Siriwan  – Trainer and Coach, Be Winning Consultants, Bangkok, Thailand

The Group Mentoring sessions have been very helpful in encouraging us with ongoing practice and linking coaching practice with ICF the competencies. You lead by example and I learned a lot about using powerful questions, listening and clarifying skills during your demonstrations.”

Kesaree – Coach, Bangkok, Thailand

I would like to thank and acknowledge you for being a great mentor. I felt  comfortable asking you questions. Your feedback was extremely valuable and really helped me develop my competencies and confidence.”

May Loo Ching – Coach, Beijing, China

You have been a great mentor to me.  Thanks so much for all you wonderful feedback and advice!
I look forward to talking to you again.

Cristina Rodenbeck – ACC, Health and Wellness Coach, Hong Kong

Carole had a very important role in my preparation for my ACC exam and I can only thank her. Carole took the time to evaluate my coaching skills and carefully debriefed me on each ICF competency. She not only gave me input but was very specific in her comments, with concrete examples, which were extremely helpful in moving forward and fine tuning my skills. I definitely recommend Carole as a mentor coach in supporting coaches in their professional and personal development. Thank you, Carole!

Edwina Cheung – Coach, Hong Kong

I am very grateful to have Carole as my mentor coach. She is supportive, flexible, yet principled and ethical. I appreciate it very much her sharing of experience, providing useful examples to help me understand coaching concepts and skills. More importantly, I like Carole’s “person focus” approach for coaching.”

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