Client Stories

Newly appointed senior female leader gains credibility and trust

A newly appointed senior female manager needed to prove herself as a leader in a mostly male environment. As an industry expert, she had moved up through the ranks over the years within one organization. Once promoted to to a leadership position,  her peers suddenly had to report to her and were resistant to her leadership. She was no longer “one of the team,” nor did she have the required credibility for others to follow her.

She needed to first see herself as a leader and then develop Executive Presence to communicate that to her team and those around her.

Through a nine-month executive coaching program, she gained confidence in herself as a leader, developed her Executive Presence, and adjusted her approach to communicating with her team. She moved away from a focus on the day-to-day details and learned to  share her visions and strategies, in a way that inspired her team.

Senior European Leader builds trust and relationships with local team

A senior European leader in the commercial real estate industry struggled to connect with and lead his team of local staff. As a subject matter expert, generally good communicator and relationship-builder, he realized that his usual approaches were not working. He aspired to a board level position, so it was vital to show his superiors that he could succeed with his team.

Through a six-month coaching program, he learned to trust new and different methods of relationship-building. He shifted from a task-over-relationship focus to a more relationship-focused approach without losing his ability to get tasks completed. He engaged his team and positioned himself well for a promotion to board level.

Introvert learns to speak up and kick start his career

A highly skilled IT professional was eager to move up, take on further responsibilities and lead a larger team, yet kept getting passed over for promotion. An introvert by nature who preferred to work alone, he realized that he wasn’t going to progress in his career until he could speak up and command attention for more than his technical skills.

Through a nine-month coaching program, he developed his own style of communication that allowed him to say what was necessary while remaining authentic and maintaining his personality. He developed an ability to say “no” when needed and ask for what he wanted. As a result, he was able to move into a leadership role and demonstrate more than just his technical skills.

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