Moving into 2023 with Ambition

  As we approach the end of the year, its time to reflect on what has happened, what we've learned and what we can do going forward. The word that stands out for me for 2022 is ‘Acceptance’.   We all have to accept things we don't want and these past few years of the pandemic have made that even more so.   Some just slightly annoying and others really hard to deal with.  Whether it’...
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Motorbikes and Metaphors and Analogy in coaching

You may be wondering how motorbikes connect to coaching.   In many ways, they don’t connect.   But, I want to share the story of how one of my clients used something he was familiar with to explore something more complex - and how I have shared this story with the coaches I mentor to help them better support their clients. As a coach I am constantly listening to the choice of words my clien...
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